Thursday, June 3, 2010

The view from my roof deck


I am safely in D.C. My flight out of Fort Wayne was delayed, so I missed my connection in Detroit, but I finally made it.
I am in a great location with everything I need nearby. I took the pictures above from the roof deck of my condo building this evening. (I am quite proud of myself. I was able to add pictures to this post with only one call to my hubby for help!) I am very pleased with my home-away-from-home. Making the housing arrangements was the hardest part of planning this whole adventure so the fact that I am staying in such a great location takes a huge load off my mind!
Today I spent about 6 blissful hours at the American History Museum. I am sure there are those of you out there that just cringed when you read that, and that is exactly why I am here by myself. I spent 6 hours (blissful, no less) in the American History Museum, and I didn't get to see everything so I am excited to get to go back. Besides there are things I want to see again :)
As I was getting off the Metro this morning I have to admit I had a pretty goofy grin on my face, and I couldn't keep from giggling a little bit. This is such an amazing place! I watched the tourists in the museum and I thought to myself that I may be a tourist but I am not rushing around trying to fit too much sightseeing in to too little time. It was an interesting feeling. I am looking forward to tomorrow!
All in all, a successful first day!
Thanks for the comments,


  1. Sounds like you're going to have a great time. Nothing better than a goofy grin!

  2. I remember the Smithsonian. We hardly saw any of it in a day ; (
    The first "moon" rock was there and was awesome to see.

    Have fun, and I was joking about the breather.

    We're so close, I keep thinking I ought to see if t and I should meet at one of the coffee places on anthony.


  3. hey! i'll bring the binoculars...we can do some 'birdwatcing' from the roof...

  4. That's a lovely view, Tom. Seeing breathtaking views is just one of the many benefits of hanging out on the roof deck, and these are awesome photos. The sky is just so rejuvenating to look at. :)

    -Richard Boles
