Thursday, July 22, 2010

The last day

Well, today was my last full day in DC. Tomorrow Tom and I drive home. This has been an amazing experience that I still haven't quite processed yet. I am sure as I write my report for the Lilly Foundation I will gain more insight into what it is I actually accomplished. Off the top of my head, I think the thing I am most proud of is the fact that I did this at all. It all seemed like such a pipe dream when I started. Thanks to Terry Burns who gave me the idea in the first place and was my greatest cheerleader, Deb Johnson who helped with the original proposal, and my family most of all who let me go. I couldn't have done this without knowing they were going to be o.k. at home. Of course they did better than o.k. :) Thanks to all of you who read my entries and asked for more. I have never kept a blog before and this was a lot of fun and a great way to keep track of everything I did. It was a great experiment that worked out well.
All of this was a great experiment, and it turned out better than I ever could have imagined. I am going to continue to post entries for a while so watch this space! :)



  1. Thanks for the kudos but it was really your enthusiasm and determination that carried the day. Glad you'll keep posting as your writing is always educational AND entertaining. Let us know your impressions of Gettysburg. Hey, you could do another Lilly on Civil War battlefields!
